NO virtue left, NO resistance, NO Tubmans, NO Romeros, NO Dr. Kings, NO Dolores, NO Sojourner Truth, NO Mandela, NO Fannie Hamers, NO Simon Wiesenthal, NO Muhammad Helmy.


Dream it

NO virtue left, NO resistance, NO Tubmans, NO Romeros, NO Dr. Kings, NO Dolores, NO Sojourner Truth, NO Mandela, NO Fannie Hamers, NO Simon Wiesenthal, NO Muhammad Helmy. 〰️ Dream it

American Holocaust (November 6, 2024)

with apologies to Pastor Martin Niemöller

First, they came for the lefties,

And I did not scream,

Because justice was important but not a priority.

Then they came for the transgender,

And I barely sighed,

Because I had never had such ideations.

Then they came for the Woke,

And I did not wave a flag nor protest,

Because I was tired and needed to nap.

Then they came for the undocumented,

And I did not shout ¡Tierra y Libertad!

Because I had long since forgotten my roots.

Then they came for children of Isaac and Ishmael,

And I did not clamor in indigntion,

Because I was not a Jew nor a Muslim.

and I believed in science.

Finally, they came for the enemy within–

the snowflakes, the libitards, the virtue signalers,

and I howled long and hard

into the dark night of the black sun

like a lonely dying wolf.

But no one came

for there was


virtue left,

NO resistance,

NO Tubman,

NO Romero,

NO Dr. King,

NO Dolores,

NO Sojourner Truth,

NO Mandela,

NO Fannie Hamer,

NO Simon Wiesenthal,

NO Muhammad Helmy.


gulags and gas chambers.