Climate Justice Meets Environmental Justice to forge Progressive Public Policy.

The reality of drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming oceans has compelled policymakers to act with profound urgency in lowering our world's, nations', and states' carbon footprints.

The real question is: Who will pay for the transition from polluting fossil fuels to green and sustainable energy generation?

Unfortunately, the burden of transitioning from polluting fossil fuels to green and sustainable energy generation has unfairly fallen on California's working and middle classes. This is due to regulators' insistence on utility-based green solutions, which are simply not cost-effective and place an unjust burden on these communities.

The actual policy solution is to advance Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). So far, California's investor-owned utilities (IOUs) have been resisting this transition fiercely.

Centaur North has been at the forefront of the movement for Energy Democracy, which unites the forces of climate justice, economic equity, and environmental justice.

We have formed a powerful partnership of non-profit advocacy groups—Green the Church, The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, and COFEM—to establish the Coalition for Environmental Equity and Economics (CEEE). This coalition is a testament to the strength of collective action in advocating for a fairer energy system.

CEEE's broad reach across California's frontline environmental justice, immigrant, and black church communities has helped form broad coalitions to fight for greater community accessibility to clean energy resources like onsite solar and battery storage.

We've taken on the powerful forces of the IOUs, the CPUC, and their Sacramento allies. It's one of the most challenging political battles that our firm has ever engaged in.

Still, developing an energy economy that delivers cleaner and cheaper energy for California and its people is undoubtedly a fight well worth the sweat and blood.