What we think of centaur north

Jeff Rosen, District Attorney, Santa Clara County

Nationally recognized leader on

Criminal Justice Reform

“Leo Briones is an outstanding consultant and advisor who is politically insightful and creative. His communication strategies and vision have helped me become a better-elected official and leader."

Cristina Garcia,

CA Assemblywoman (Ret.)

Internationally recognized leader in the Menstrual Equity Movement

"From our first strategy meeting, I knew Leo Briones was an intelligent, fearless, and skilled political professional. He helped guide my progressive agenda from local politics to Sacramento. When powerful special interests opposed that agenda, he stood firm and skillfully guided me to reelection. He's someone you want on your side.”

Irma Muñoz, Executive Director Mujer de la Tierra

Nationally Recognized Environmental Justice pioneer

“Long before the California Latino community was recognized as an essential constituency for electoral politics and environmental justice issues, Leo Briones was delivering that message to powerful decision-makers shaping the agenda for today’s inclusive and progressive public policy."

“Leo Briones has a unique understanding of coalition politics. He always seems to ensure inclusion and equity as a core principle of his strategic reasoning. His creative approach to conveying the Green energy revolution to local communities is refreshing and effective."

Reverend Dr. Ambrose Carroll, Executive Director, Green the Church

A pioneer in the African-American Church environmental sustainability movement, one of America’s premier practical theologians, and serves on Environmental Protection Agency's National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC.)

Esperanza Vielma, Executive Director,

The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water

Runner up, Dr. Espanola Jackson Energy Justice Award, 2023

"Centaur North has worked with EJCW to manage our Get Out the Vaccine (GOTV) efforts and to educate local communities on the importance of climate and environmental justice in the Green economy.

Leo's straightforward approach and understanding of the complex relationship between grassroots advocacy and practical politics has been indispensable in helping EJCW fulfill our mission & vision.

Francisco Moreno, Executive Director

The Council of Mexican Federations in North America (COFEM)


"Leo Briones cares deeply about our community and has helped COFEM fulfill our organization's core mission. His strategies always consider immigrant rights & environmental justice advocacy principles.”

"Leo Briones provided smart & bold strategies to the Save California Solar coalition. He helped us build one of the largest grassroots coalitions in recent California history. He recruited, educated, empowered, and mobilized community groups to rally them around a compelling vision of locally owned clean energy free from monopoly control."

Dave Rosenfeld,

Ex. Director

Solar Rights Alliance